StickGirl Joins the Gym
You may have noticed a lack of posting from me since the New Year, and that's because I've been busy doing silly New Year things like joining the gym.
Yes. I've finally crumbled and have joined that awful, cheery, brightly lit place they call The Gym. I thought it was a good idea at the time. I was so motivated that first week, I almost became one of Them. I even went out and bought Shiny New Gym Clothes!
But then the second week rolled around and I went back to normal. So now I'm just paying a ridiculous amount of money every month, that quite frankly could be spent on shoes. The other week I went to a Body Pump class - supposed to be good for your arms and back. And let's face, these spaghetti arms need it. I had to lift weights in that class. Yes, I StickGirl, lifted weights.
Pause for laughter.
But then the weights got too heavy and I was stuck at the FRONT OF THE CLASS with the BAR ABOVE MY HEAD and I couldn't put it down because it was TOO HEAVY (sounds like that doesn't makes sense, and actually yes, it doesn't make sense - but that should give you an idea of my state of panic!) and everyone carried on with their squats and crazy weight lifting while little old weedy arms (that's me) was frozen with a massive bar of weights (ok, just small weights) up in the air! Eventually the instructor just told me to put the bar down, so I did. Bad times.
I got lots of consolatory smiles from the older ladies in the class, and a few even talked to me afterwards to find out 'how I got on'. Bad times I tell you.
So the moral of the story is: buy shoes not gym membership.