Sunday, 8 February 2009

Tracker Bar Outrage

My desk drawer is permanently stocked up with important things like post-it notes, staples, screen wipes, business cards, cuppa soups and tracker bars. The latter two being the most vital to my working day.

But the other day my tracker bar caused me no less than SHEER OUTRAGE.

I had gone back to the good old chocolate chip bars after finally admitting that buying the raisin version doesn't actually make them (or me) any healthier - when the work experience girl pointed out that the bar inside the wrapper was in fact half the size of the packaging.

SHEER OUTRAGE I tell you! I'm calling a boycott (just after I finish my last pack...)


  1. Dot Dot said...

    Welcome back to the blogsphere!

  2. StickGirl said...

    Yup it's been a while!