Sunday 16 March 2008

Tumbleweed times

Lately I've felt lucky if I can blog once a week. Enter tumbleweed:

I feel like I'm wandering around like a bit of a stick girl zombie. It's getting serious, I don't even get that mad on the tube anymore. The other day, the two people either side of me were BOTH leaning over the armrests into my seat, and I didn't even let out a tut. And if that's not worrying enough, I settled down the other night to watch my Sex and the City DVD box set - AND ONLY MANAGED ONE AND A HALF EPISODES (although it was season 6 which isn't that great).

Maybe it's because our winter has been dragging on for about 3 seasons now. In case you didn't know, it's officially spring. I'm really hoping that global warming starts kicking soon.

On a brighter note, we have a four day weekend coming up soon - hooray! It really makes me have second thoughts about the whole 'work 5 days, take 2 days off' thing. Who came up with that bright idea anyway? I mean I know God made the world in 6 days and then rested on the 7th - but I bet he didn't have to go shopping and do the laundry and clean the bathroom - so it's really not the same is it?