Monday 10 March 2008

Beware of dentists with 'too perfect' teeth

Don't you think there's something not quite right with dentists? Aside from the whole disgusting, 'looking in peoples mouths and having a good old dig around' thing - dentists with too perfect teeth always set off little alarm bells in my head.

Yes, I went to the dentist today. An annoying young 'up and coming' dentist with too perfect teeth and a spring in his step. I remember my old dentist who I used to go to when I was small (ok, smaller) refused to go private and stayed with the NHS all the way. Now that's true dedication to the cause.

But not only did this new dentist not give me any stickers of giant teeth with smiley faces (hum), he also tried to charge me for absolutely every little thing you can think of. Like trying to sneak in an expensive hygenist appointment at the end, or getting me to cosmetically whiten one (yes, just one) little tiny tooth that no one can even see (and I have pretty white teeth to begin with, but I think it's genetic), or trying to get me to spend £70 on a white filling instead of £40 for an NHS filling. The sneaky, sneaky bastad.

All while smiling at me with his creepily white and unusually straight teeth.

No wonder the last time I went to the dentist was two years ago. Don't be fooled, you don't need to go every 6 months (unless you can't commit to brushing twice a day - but let's face it, you're just a bit gross if you don't), they're just trying to make more money out of you!