Monday 17 March 2008

Man presents

It's my dad's birthday this week - and that means picking out a 'man present' (I think it's safe to blog about this, my dad isn't too web savvy. The other day he referred to our wireless internet router as 'the box where the internet comes from').

Exciting man presents are really difficult to find, especially when they're for your dad. Especially when Christmas wasn't that long ago. Especially when you repeatedly ask him what he'd like and get the follow alternate answers:

a) "nothing"
b) "a new car"

That's really not helpful. Although I did follow up option b), but when asking what car he'd like, he reverted back to option a). Older not wiser as they say...

In the end I went for the good old trusty jumper. Not very exciting I know. But it is a silk/wool mix - which is preeeeetty exciting when it comes to jumpers!

Point made.