Wednesday 13 February 2008


I am disturbed.

All I want is a peaceful journey to and from work every day (ha) - is that too much to ask? But recently, on every wall and round every corner on the Underground, I'm greeted with this:

Hideous!! It's the ad for her new reality tv show 'Crazy in Love' (they make it far too easy don't they?)

Give me Car Giant Man any day!


  1. the accidental scientist said...

    I think you must get on the wrong part of the tube. Where I get my train, there is an ad saying 'if you don't like your life, you can change it' which i find truly inspirational. Loving Kings Cross. Especially running the rush hour gauntlet.

  2. StickGirl said...

    There is no 'wrong part of the tube'. IT'S ALL WRONG.

    And I've seen that ad too. Probably next to the ad telling you not to wait around for cupid and fate.

    Who would have thought you'd find inspiration on the tube...