Sunday 20 January 2008

Tom Cruise...let him be a lesson to us all...

So the leaked Scientology indoctrination tape of Tom Cruise has been all over YouTube. And repeatedly removed. And repeatedly uploaded again. That's the YouTube spirit!

On one of the videos, someone commented that you should remove the word 'Scientologist' and replace it with the word 'Christian' - and you'd have a typical preachers sermon. Sounds about right to me...just turn on the God Channel, who needs YouTube?!

The recurrent theme with most mainstream religions is that

a) they are right
b) everyone else is wrong
c) if you're part of 'everyone else', you're doomed man.

It's a brilliant recipe for brain washing and war - as is pretty much evident in the world today.

Of course Scientology isn't really mainstream religion, but it seems to have some similar principles to say Christianity and Islam. I don't know too much about it to be honest. But the Tom Cruise video isn't exactly a fantastic advertisement is it? Someone give the guy a straight jacket!

I have been thoroughly enlightened after reading Richard Dawkins' God Delusion. I think everyone should read it. I used to be quite a religious person. I felt that religion was something I could draw to when going through some trying times. That's usually when people cling to religion the most I guess - when they're feeling needy and vulnerable. Religion is very attractive at times like these. In fact, I bet most converts do so because they are looking for something or someone to fill up a space in their life which they feel is empty. Would any non-religious, content and happy person turn to religion of their own accord? I'm not so sure.

Anyhoo, it's far too late on a Sunday evening to be debating the existence God. Just let Tom Cruise be a lesson to us all...!