Tuesday 15 January 2008

Thank you and goodnight!

I should really be sleeping right now. I have to wake up super early tomorrow (practically in a couple of hours) as I'm starting work a bit earlier than usual. And instead of getting around 5 measly hours of sleep every night, I'm aiming for AT LEAST 7. I think 7 hours of good sleep every night would equal a much happier and all round less cranky stick girl. Ah if only.

In reality, 24 hours really isn't enough hours in the day - let's face it. Or maybe it's just because so much of our precious time is taken up by being at work. I vote for 2 days working and 5 days off. Sounds like a much better week to me!

If I knew anything about farming and animals and you know, nature and stuff - I would definitely grow my own veggies, rear my own animals and be self reliant. No need for Mr Tesco. No need to work. Hooray! But alas, I was brought up near the concrete jungle that is London.

Ah it's not really that bad. I love it really. But it would be no fun if I didn't get to rant every now and then.

Anyhoo, like I was saying, I should really be sleeping right now. But seeing as I've just created my brand spanking shiny new blog, I had to scribble something down. Even if it is a load of gibberish.

Ok, bedtime.